Monday; July 22

What do we do when we find ourselves at odds with people? Maybe a different way of asking this how do we handle it when we catch someone doing what they aren’t supposed to do? Okay, let’s narrow it down a bit further, how do we deal with people within our faith who don’t do what is right? Honestly, when we find ourselves on opposite sides of debates with people who think differently that we do, we can do a pretty decent job of having casual (if not informational) discussions. However, some of the most intense debates we have are with those we call our “fellow workers”. When we get into snits with people we are supposed to have relationships with, it can be quite contentious. We feel that they should know better and do better, so we tend to have less patience with them.

Interestingly, a few centuries ago the New Testament writer, Jude, came face-to-face with this issue. On one hand, he advocated that believers should contend for the faith, but he also said something a bit less brash, “And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh” (Jude 1:22-23). In essence, rather than condemning those who might respond to teaching, take the time to minister to them. No, we shouldn’t tolerate evil or ignorance, but we don’t need to blast them either!

Are you working with someone who is struggling with their faith? Maybe the best thing to do is take a step back and find a way to support their return to the fold.

Think About It!

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