Monday; April 1

Today is one of my least favorite days of the year. I have never been a big fan of April Fool’s Day. Maybe it started because I never liked being the butt of practical jokes, but it has morphed into something even deeper than that. These days, we are mean enough to each other the other 364 days of the year, why should we highlight a day for hijinks? Our society has enough trouble dealing with truth and honesty the rest of the year, why in the world would we want to dedicate a day to intentionally trying to deceive one another? I know, I know … often it is done in good fun, but I am just not a fan!

While the modern idea of April Fool’s Day doesn’t do much for me, I do see a way that it can be an asset. The Bible reminds us that, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God,’ they are corrupt, and have committed abominable injustice; there is no one who does good.” (Psalm 53:1). What if, rather than trying to trick each other, we dedicate this day to the wisdom of faith. If it is foolish to deny God, wouldn’t that mean that those who believe in Him are wise? Now that is something worth celebrating!

As we get going today, let’s do our best to treat the people around us with honesty and integrity. Let’s also be willing to demonstrate our belief in the God of love, acceptance and encouragement. When we do, maybe we can give April 1 a new and better reputation.

Think About It!

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