Monday; January 29

I don’t know if it is just anecdotal or if there is factual basis for the observation, but it appears that families are struggling. I know that there are a lot of well-rounded, contented families; but there seems to be a growing concern about the loss of effectively-functioning families. I realize there are a lot of people who have weighed in on why this is happening – some with an agenda that promotes their ideology and others who genuinely want to help. I realize that my opinion is colored by my own background, but I do believe there are some things we can do to help cultivate good families:

1. Love. It may sound odd, but it wouldn’t surprise me if many of the struggling families don’t feel loved. When we understand that love is basically wanting the best for each other, we can learn to focus on what other family members need and that can generate a cohesiveness that will draw us together.

2. Discipline. Typically, when we hear this word we often think about corporal punishment, but the truth is that discipline is guidance that takes on multiple characteristics. When we help others grow to reach their potential – especially our children – there can be emotional, educational and behavioral development.

3. Example. Not only do children need to see us do what is right, they also need to feel what it means to be mentored. The dissonance between “do what I say, not what I do” leaves a void that will not be filled. When we fail to do what is right, we not only rob our children of a good role model, we also hinder them from being the type of people their children can emulate.

Let’s do our best to raise good families. When we do, we ensure hope for the generations to come.

Think About It!

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