Wednesday; November 1

I just want it to stop! I am tired of opening up my news browser and seeing report of two people killed in an act of violence here or dozens killed in a mass shooting there. Multiple explanations abound over why this is happening and who is to blame – but I am tired of the senseless violence. I am frustrated watching my neighbors and fellow citizens suffer.

As I got to thinking about why this continues, my mind wandered to what God must be thinking. People who kill senselessly aren’t just violating some local law, they are ignoring His most basic principle – the value of life. Those who are impacted aren’t just names that come across a TV screen or even community members, they are His children. When this happens, He doesn’t have to ask how do we fix it, all He has to do is point to His book and say, “I have given you the answers”. Yet, my most compelling thought was why doesn’t He just end the world and put an end to this violence. We know He has the power – why continue to let things go? As I was pondering this, a New Testament verse came to mind, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” (II Peter 3:9). Ours is not the first generation to struggle with why God doesn’t do something, but in this passage we might find an answer. You see, each and every day that He allows the world to continue more people are becoming disciples of His and are experiencing salvation. No, this isn’t plastered across the media – in fact, it almost goes unnoticed – however, with passing of each day, more people are saved.

I will be the first to admit that I do not understand the mind of God, but as we struggle with “whys” of violence, maybe this gives us a clue. No, God is not behind the murder and mayhem we are experiencing as a society, but if we spend less time arguing about the daily “body count” and more time celebrating the “soul count” maybe we will sleep a little better at night. We cannot give up addressing violence but must not overlook the advancement of salvation.

Think About It!

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