Monday; May 15

If you have read much of what I write, it didn’t take you long to realize I am pro-police. (Yeah, that’s an understatement.) I make no pretense about my feelings: I am a cheerleader – I am biased. There are several reasons for my feelings: my father-in-law and my dad were both officers. I have been involved in some form of Law Enforcement for most of the past three decades. I have great friends and mentors who have been or currently are officers. I have laughed and cried with them. I have married some and buried some. I am not a cop groupie … I am the real deal.

Having said all of that, I would like to acknowledge this as National Police Week and today as “Law Enforcement Memorial Day”. This week honors the profession, while today reminds us of the realities of the job – there are some officers who went to work one day and never came home. As I ponder this week, I think about two important things: First, as a nation, let’s be appreciative of what Law Enforcement means to our nation. These are the men and women who go to work each and every day protecting us from “us”. They don’t serve on some foreign soil, they walk the beat in our neighborhoods. They don’t defend us against some invading force, they bring peace to our communities. Second, to those involved in the profession, don’t forget those who have paved the way for you. Honor their commitment, protect their good name, emulate their integrity and spirit of service.

I would like to think that 2023 will be a safer year for our Law Enforcement Officers, but I also realize the realities of the world in which we live and the one in which they work. All I can say is “Let’s be careful out there” … and remember you have people who support you and care about you!

Think About It!

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