Wednesday; January 18

If there was a word for this winter it would be boring. Outside of a couple of chilly days, we haven’t had any real weather. We haven’t had measurable snow and there haven’t been any ice storms. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have really needed a coat. We’ve had fog, clouds and rain – but that’s about it! To put it simply – boring!

Now, if you are reading this in other parts of the country, you might be shaking your heads or repeatedly hitting the delete button. Those in California may be looking out their windows at flooding. There are people in the Plains states who are still nursing aching backs from moving all that snow. Our southern friends may be looking at the results of major storms or seeing the impact the sub-freezing temperatures had on their produce. While I was experiencing boredom – you had more excitement than you really wanted.

The reason for this meteorological review is to remind us that while our world might be plugging along on some uneventful journey, there are people around us whose lives are anything but dull. Some may be experiencing the highest of highs while, at the same time, others may be wallowing in the lowest of lows. I am not saying that we shouldn’t enjoy the calmness of the routine, but we should also be on the lookout for what others are experiencing. The New Testament reminds us, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15), but to do this we must be aware of what is going on around us. Let’s keep our eyes and hearts open to those who need us to be sensitive to their struggles and those who hope we’ll help them celebrate their victories.

Think About It!

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