Monday; October 31

I have a like/hate relationship with Halloween. I like the candy, but get frustrated with the hijinks associated with the day. I like the social aspect of neighbors visiting with neighbors but am wary of some of the costumes that seem to depict the darker side of our existence. However, I am most concerned by a nonchalant acknowledgment of the spirit world. When we view satan, spirits and evil influences almost as cartoon characters I wonder if we are missing the point. Now, please don’t misunderstand me – I am not saying that we shouldn’t participate in Halloween, what I am saying is that we should be careful what we portray in jest and remember that we are in the middle of a battle between forces of darkness and light.

We often give credence to a belief in evil influences, but we need to make sure we understand that we are in a constant battle for the soul of our world. Periodically, we will mention that we are in tug-of-war with the morality and focus of our nation, but this extends beyond that. Not only is there a very real human influence at work in swaying societies morals there is an out-and-out battle being waged by satan to overwhelm all nations. I am not exactly certain how satan came to be, but I do know that he is alive and well today!

I hope you get a lot of candy tonight, but I want to leave you with a couple of cautions. First, don’t eat it all at once. However, an even greater challenge is to use today as a reminder of an often-unseen evil influence that is trying to derail goodness and truth. Let’s reflect on the warning Jude gave the First Century church, “For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Jude 4)

Think About It!

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