Monday; September 5

Today is Labor Day, so I thought I put together some thoughts about working. There are several different directions I could take this theme – the value of having a job or even the need to appreciate our workers, but I would like to visit about enjoying our jobs. Most of us will work the majority of our lives, so how do we make the most out of it? Here are a few observations:

1. Find something that brings value to the community. This covers a broad area, but if we work at something that makes people or the community better we will never work in vain. If, at the end of the day, we can look at what we have done and honestly say that people benefited from it, we can feel successful.

2. Find something that you enjoy. There is an old saying that advocates, “If you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” There is something to that philosophy. When we enjoy what we do, the work may be hard, but we won’t find it draining.

3. Focus on work at work and rest when you are away from it. This is difficult for many of us, especially now when we are so easily connected to our jobs. Those of us who don’t necessarily have set hours and those who work from home tend to find it difficult to disconnect from the job. Be a good and devoted employee, but don’t forget to refresh your own batteries.

4. Make sure to give a day’s work for a day’s wage. When we work, let’s work hard and do our employers proud. The easiest type of employee theft might be “stealing a paycheck”. A good work ethic is a good investment and never goes out of style

Think About It!

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