Thursday; October 14
we guilty of overpromising and underdelivering?
It is easy to see why people lack trust – we have been let down too many
times. It doesn’t take much effort to
promise the moon, but it can become difficult to deliver on our claims. It is much more popular to be full of
promises than effort.
would like to think that this problem originated in our society, but the truth
of the matter is that it has been around for a long, long time. During Jesus’ day He chided His
contemporaries’ unreliability by calling them out for making false vows and
demanding, “But let your statement
be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No,
no’; anything beyond these is of evil.” (Matthew 5:37).
So how can we be people of our
word? Here are a few thoughts:
1. Carefully think about what we are about to
promise. Not only can we deliver, but
do we want to do what we are promising?
If we don’t want to do it in the first place, there is no need to make a
promise we don’t want to keep.
2. Be very specific in what we say we are
going to do. Speaking in
generalities can get us in trouble and create hard feelings. When we and they know what to expect from us,
it is easier to make both of us happy.
3. Set periodic reminders or guidelines for
the accomplishment of our tasks. It
is easy to wake up one morning and realize we have a promise due that day. It is disheartening to realize we don’t have
time to accomplish it. By keeping track
of our progress we are more apt to be reliable (and on schedule).
Let’s be people of our word. When we accomplish the simple things we promise, people are more apt to trust in the important things of life.
Think About It!