Tuesday; June 15

Last Wednesday evening we had a powerful storm come through our region. There was quite a bit of wind, some pretty intense thunder (it was raining too hard to see the lightning) and a lot of water. According to reports there was somewhere between 3 and 6 inches of rain in just a couple of hours. I have seen a lot of rain in my lifetime, but because of last week’s heat and humidity, this was a deluge! While this was a pretty impressive storm, I think the thing that astounded me was driving back to work 12 hours later. On Wednesday night the ditches were filled with water and any low laying area either became a pond or a roaring creek, but by Thursday morning I was hard-pressed to find any standing water. As I drove around that morning, I was struck by the fact that while the storm may have been impressive to me, to the land of Southern Maryland, it was just another rainstorm that had to be overcome and processed. In fact, if anything, what I noticed was how green everything had become!
What happens to us when we experience the torrents of life? Do they overwhelm us to the point that we are flooded by emotions, or do we process them through our resiliency and coping skills so that they make us better and brighter? It is tempting to allow challenges and crises to leave a mark on us – either temporarily or permanently – but with the help of the Lord and our friends and family, we will be able to overcome and transform troubles into triumphs.
How is our resiliency? When we put plans in place to deal with the storms of life, we’ll be able to recover much more quickly.

Think About It!

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