Wednesday; April 27
Can you be “right” and “wrong” at the same time? I believe we can have an accurate set of facts, but still be in the wrong.
It is tempting to feel that being accurate gives us the freedom to act in whatever way we want to act. In essence, being correct gives us ability (and maybe even the responsibility) to bowl people over. Having an accurate fact base is more important than conveying it in an understandable way. Yet, the truth is that we can be “correct” and still be wrong. When we mistreat others, when we are insensitive to those around us, we are bound to lose no matter how “right” we are!
Maya Angelou is credited with saying, “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”. I believe this observation is needed as much now as it is in any other time. We have a lot of people claiming to be right, but doing so at the expense of others. It’s almost like they are hoping to beat people over the head with their “rightness”. Yet, if we are really hoping to shift public opinions or change paradigms, we need to be sensitive to how we make people feel. If you leave people feeling angry, embarrassed or unheard they are apt to dismiss our message no matter how accurate it is.
When the early Christian church was looking to influence people, they were reminded, “Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint.” (I Peter 4:8-9). You know, when we think about it, that is not only some good advice – it is also a direct command from one of Christ’s apostles!
Let’s make sure we are correct in all we do and say but, let’s also keep in mind that making feel people feel respected will enhance our message. Imagine the impact truth can have when we pair it with trust.
Think About It!