Thursday; June 11

          If you would have talked to me a couple of weeks ago, you might have heard me lament the cool rainy weather we had been having – I mean, after all, aren’t we supposed to be heading into summer?  If you have been around me the last couple of days you just might have heard me whining about the hot, humid weather.  Wait a minute!  What’s the problem?  Can’t I decide on what I want?  Sure, I can – but that isn’t the problem.  The issue is that I complain too much!   It isn’t that I don’t like certain types of weather, the problem is that I tend to get into a bad habit of not being satisfied with what I have and fuss about what I don’t have.  Does it mean that I am mistreated?  No, it means that I just talk too much!
          I don’t believe complaining is as much of a problem with dissatisfaction as it is the result of bad habits.  It is easy to solicit other people’s attention by taking about how bad I have it or how miserable I am.  We find it more appealing to be heard than to merely be seen with a pleasant contented smile on our faces.
          Let’s think about what we are saying before we say it.  If we truly are struggling or lacking something, let’s feel free to say it, but if we are merely whining for the sake of whining, let’s keep our mouths closed.
Think About It!

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