Monday; April 6

I have written a lot of articles about a lot of things, but I am not sure I have ever tackled the subject of bathroom tissue.  However, I am not sure that bathroom tissue (or TP as it is commonly called by some of us less forward folks) has ever been in the news as much as it has been recently.  For whatever reason, whenever a crisis hits, bread and TP are typically the first things to fly off of the shelves – and the pandemic has not any different than any of the others.  While many things are making a comeback to the store shelves, bathroom tissue is still a scarcity.  Now the reason I am writing about this subject is to say that we have come to appreciate it even more when it is scarce.  Few of us would have given this everyday item a second thought a month ago when it was in ample supply, but now, we have come to treasure it. 
Have you thought about just how true this is in so many aspects of our lives?  In war, we appreciate peace.  In an outbreak of illness, we appreciate health.  In chaos, we appreciate calm.  It is only natural that we appreciate the things that we don’t have.
The application I hope to make with this rather odd topic is that we should learn to appreciate everything – even the more mundane things – in our lives.  Whether it is the song of bird at daybreak, the hug of a child at bedtime, being able to get out of bed without pain or the touch of a loved one at the supper table; let’s not overlook the blessings we have. 
          Think About It!

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