Monday; September 9

I don’t remember what year it was, but I do remember that I was in the Washington D. C. area the first time the NFL came up with this Monday night double-header.  The reason it is so fresh in my mind is that, like this year, my Denver Broncos were scheduled to play the Oakland (or was it Los Angeles) Raiders.  What made the match up so distinctive is that I was scheduled to fly back home early the next morning.  I remember having to make the decision – would I give up a few hours sleep to watch the game or give up the excitement for opening day to get my beauty rest?  If I recall correctly, the decision ended up being an easy one for me because the Broncos were way behind at the end of the first half and had no chance at coming back – so, I went to sleep.  Now, the reason I bring this up is that this is the scenario plays out again tonight, however I do not feel any angst – I will be in bed shortly after the 10:20 p.m. kickoff!  My priorities have changed in the last few years and so have my sleeping habits.  Sleep has become more important than NFL football. 
What are our priorities?  No, I’m not really talking about football vs. sleep, I am asking us to take a serious look at what is important to us.  We make our conscious decisions based on what we value – so what takes precedence in our lives?  When Jesus began His movement He taught about the values of God and observed, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33).  Let’s put God first in our lives – when we do, everything else will fall into its proper place.
         Think About It!

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