Monday; September 23

Last week, Jeane and I were enjoying a tropical vacation when Hurricane Jerry came to life.  The origins of the storm had been brewing for several days, but when it gained strength, it developed very quickly.  As soon as the hurricane began heading west it became obvious that the track of the storm was going to bring it close to the northern Antilles – right where we were!  Throughout the next couple of days the threat of the storm was real, but the models just didn’t seem to point to a landfall at our location; however, visitors and locals on the island had an uneasy feeling.  You see, everywhere you looked you could see the remnants of a major hurricane that had struck the island two years before.  The logical assessment of the low probability of being struck by the hurricane was overwhelmed by the fear of what they had already experienced.
Now that we are safe at home, it is tempting to say “told you so”, but as I look back on the experience, I see something very prevalent in human nature.  Once we have experienced trauma and crisis we are apt to be more wary than those who have never been exposed to it.  Once we have been victimized by crime, forces of nature, hardships, serious emotional pain ... or any other type of crisis ... fear can envelope us very quickly. 
The point to this observation isn’t to tell people not to be afraid; rather to remind those of us who find ourselves helping people in fear to understand how their past might hamper their present.  We should remember that our logic may not overcome their fear.  When we find ourselves unable to “reason” with them, maybe the best thing we can do us commit to staying with them and helping them feel as safe possible until the perceived danger is over.
         Think About It!

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