Tuesday; May 14

Not long ago I was, once again, reminded that life isn’t fair.  The circumstances of the lesson aren’t as important as the lesson – bad things happen ... often to those who don’t deserve them.  As I thought about this truism, I was reminded of three important thoughts:
1.  We must not expect life to be fair.  Intellectually, we understand the inequity of living in a fallen world, but for some reason many of us tend to become derailed when we are forced to deal with unfairness.  I am not saying that we should become cynical about life, but what I am saying is that when bad things happens, we mustn’t allow them to deflate us.
2.  We must overcome the unfairness.  When life’s troubles and trials strike us, we don’t have to stand by and be victimized, nor should we just sit around complaining about how bad things are.  The best way to confront unfairness is to beat it by making the most of our circumstances (both good and bad). 
3.  We must believe that God cares about us.  When we feel that life has mistreated us we must remember that God isn’t picking on us.  When things don’t go our way, we mustn’t believe that God has abandoned us, in fact, that is when we can feel closest to Him.  When God commissioned His servant Joshua, He directed his attention to the law He had given to Moses, then said, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9).
          Our job is not to understand why things happen.  We are tasked with making the most of our opportunities no matter what happens!
Think About It! 

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