Monday; October 1

          Last week’s news just about drove me crazy.  Yes, I know that’s probably not an acceptable term, but the truth of the matter is that I was about to lose my grip.  By the end of the week I was tired of someone withholding the truth (I am not sure which side it was, but someone(s) had to be lying).  I was getting riled up at all the finger-pointing and mean-spirited accusations.  As last week came to a close I was frustrated and irritable - then something happened.  As I began this week I realized that my job is to just do my job.  I am not responsible for the choices others have made in their lives.  I will not change things by worrying about what someone else says in testimony or on social media.  The only person I can control is me and that is a full-time job!
          As I thought about my personal responsibility three things came mind:
1)  I must tell the truth.   As much as I would like to get to the bottom of some of these national issues, I can’t.  Yet, what I can do is live my life openly, honestly and transparently.  I may not be able to raise the bar on the nation’s veracity, but I can set a standard for myself and hope that others will follow.
2).  I must treat people with respect.  Whether it is forcing inappropriate relationships, making false accessions about others or calling people vile names our society struggles with civility.  The truth is that I can’t fix everyone, but I can be an example of respect and Christian love.  Who knows, maybe the respect I show someone might rub off on others and begin a ripple of kindness.
3)  I must choose my environment carefully.  We will probably never know exactly who did what to whom, but one thing for certain is that it is easier to stay out of trouble if we avoid the temptations in the first place.  Sure, satan can find us and tempt us wherever we are, but why should I make it easier on him by placing myself in questionable places and positions?  As the old saying goes ... if our Mommas wouldn’t want us to be there doing that, we probably shouldn’t be there doing that!
          Think About It!

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