Wednesday; December 20

I try to stay pretty positive (and, at times, Pollyannaish) during my daily postings, but every-once-in-a-while I get the urge to venture into something a bit deeper and today is one of those days.  I have been doing some studying on the Ten Commandments and I have recently been thinking about the one prohibiting adultery.  Folks, we don’t talk a whole lot about sexual sin these days, but this is one that needs to be discussed. 
Simply put, adultery is a sexual relationship between two people when at least one of the people is married to another person.  In essence, it is a violation of the sexual exclusivity of marriage.  Sometimes we have a tendency to muddy the waters in our discussions of “peripheral” definitions of adultery … but, honestly, we have our hands full with this classic definition. 
If there is a direct message in this missive, it is this – don’t do it!  Adultery is a violation of God’s law and the trust of the marriage relationship.  While adultery is a sin that can separate us from God, there are also a lot of additional familial and social consequences to violating our marriage vows.  There may not be a lot of “thou shalt not” passages that deal directly with adulty, but the ones that exist are very straightforward.  In addition to the candid words of Moses, Jesus and Paul, Solomon wrote, “The one who commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense; he who would destroy himself does it.   Wounds and disgrace he will find, and his reproach will not be blotted out.” (Proverbs 6:32-33)
Let’s remain true to our spouse and to our commitment.  Not only is adultery wrong, it is also foolish.
Think About It!

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