Friday; September 15

          The other day I came upon an observation from George Will who noted, “Perhaps the soundest advice for parents is: Lighten up. People have been raising children for approximately as long as there have been people.”.  Interestingly, as I reflected on this observation it didn’t impact me from the perspective of childrearing as much as it reminded me that I am over-thinking life.  For the last several years I have found myself taking things too seriously.  I have spent too much time believing that I have to do things just right … I have to make sure that I don’t offend people by saying something in a certain way … and I have to do my best to eliminate mistakes and reduce the potential for error.  When I do fail, I feel compelled to apologize for it, analyze it and make sure I don’t do it again.  While all the above is good advice, I often find myself choking the life out of living by making it too confining.  What would happen if I worried less about doing things acceptably (perfectly) and spent more time making new discoveries while rekindling the enjoyment of the pursuits from the past?  People have been living life for a long time and have found peace and contentment despite being imperfect.  Many successful people have learned to laugh at themselves and refuse to take themselves or their circumstance too seriously.  Maybe, in a sense, their ignorance of their frailties have allowed them to relax and enjoy life. 
Are we living longer, but enjoying it less?  Have we become too analytical for our own good? 
What do you have planned for this weekend?  Will it be fun – if not, is it really worth the time we are going to invest in it?
Think about it!

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