Wednesday; August 30

          In her article on leadership for Forbes Magazine Kathy Caprino identified nine core behaviors of people who positively impact the world.  While the entire article is worth the time it takes to read, I want to highlight one of the nine points that seems particularly applicable in today’s world.  In an effort to have a positive impact leaders “engage with people in open, mutually-beneficial ways”.   Years ago we might have called them “people people”.  They understand the power of relationships and find value in interacting with others on their level.  They connect – not for what they get out it – but, in a way that others are blessed by this relationship.  These are not “us vs. them” types of relationships, they are “we” relationships.  No, not all of these leaders would be considered overtly outgoing, but they have matured beyond crippling introversion to be able to interact in individual relationships and with the world at large.  Most of those people are probably involved in social media, but that is not the only way the communicate.  They are sensitive to the needs of others and supportive of other’s talents.
          Are you hiding your leadership potential behind a veil of secrecy?  Each one of us has been given a gift, but it takes effort to invest that gift where it does the most good.  If you are a leader-in-hiding today would be a good day to shed the shackles and make your appearance in an effort to help others.  Shyness and fear cannot be allowed to rob you of your responsibility to reach out to others.  Yes, opening up our lives to others is risky, but it is the only way we will truly utilize the gifts we have been given.
          Think About It!

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